Monday, June 20, 2011

Book of the Week: Usborne "Look and Say" Garden Book

This is an enduring (well, a few months anyway) favourite at our house. It was a library find that we liked so much we bought.

It is a sturdy little board book with tabs down the right hand side of each page to make them easy to turn.

The right hand side of each two page spread has a garden scene. The left hand side has a labelled picture of each object that appears on the other side. It's great for playing "where is the ... " or "show me the ..." games. Later on, when E's language is a bit more developed, I imagine we'll be able to reverse the game and say "what is this?"

The pictures are bright and distinct. It looks to me as though each little person/object might have been made from plasticine or modelling clay and then photographed, although it's hard to tell and I haven't read anything anywhere to suggest this is so.

I just discovered when googling for a picture that there are a whole series of "look and say" books by Usborne ( I knew there was a "Town" one as E's little friend H (two and a half) loves the cars and trucks in that one, but the "Farm" and "Beach" varieties look as though they'd be popular around here.

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