Saturday, November 13, 2010

Simple things (or How to Know You are Old)

How to Know You Are Old:

1. The baby had two daytime sleeps, one for two hours, one for an hour and a half;
2. You went to the swimming pool, the baby did not scream, and you got to do 16 laps yourself;
3. In the afternoon you went to the local primary school fete and bought herbs and ridiculously cheap second hand toys;
4. You had extremely delicious pressure cooker lamb shanks for dinner, thrown together whilst your lovely husband fed and bathed the baby;
5. The baby went to bed without any fuss or trouble;
6. You are sitting on the couch drinking red wine - now permissible as (fingers-toes-and-other-appendages-crossed) the baby has consented to give up night feeds;
7. You are watching Gardening Australia;
8. Your lovely husband is sitting next to you on the couch;
9. Rather than seeming sad or boring or old, all of the above makes you stupidly happy.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Lovely and grown up, not old!

Henry has been busy watering the strawberry plant today. You can imagine how attentive he's being.... we might have a swamp in a pot at the end of the week. Wiggles book is also getting a v. good read.

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