Saturday, March 10, 2012

A late night conversation with my chatterbox

E and I had the following conversation at about 8:30 last night, after she had been chatting away to herself in bed for nearly two hours:

Me: Darling, you have to go to sleep, it's very late. You need to sleep so you'll have lots of energy to play tomorrow. Maybe tomorrow we'll go to the beach or the pool.
E: Go beach? Go beach?
Me: Not now, tomorrow. Maybe tomorrow we'll go to the beach if you'd like to. Now it's time for little girls to sleep.
E: Little girls like owl.

I put her owl blanket on her (despite the fact it was still about 30C at 8:30 last night) and finally, thank goodness, she went to sleep.

1 comment:

Maxabella said...

She is a little owl, isn't she! x

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